
Showing posts from January, 2013

My father and mother

        I’m lucky I have my parents, They are very tyrants. Father and Mother, Help me in bother. Sometimes they beat me, But I don’t take it by supposing it hot tea. But sometimes I drink it, So I have to take out this evil. Then I think of orphan, Who live life like capon. They are supposed to get beaten by father, And to listen poems from mother. If it turns to me then I have a family, In which I sustain life tamely. Then why I hurt my parents, After thinking of orphan, I won’t hurt them. I this way, I get education, My father’s beat & mother’s meat. I live under the umbrella of their love. So, I’m the luckiest one.
Poems written for all Husbands and Wives ================================= This is the best and most civil way to have a fight between husband and wife instead of resorting to physical force... Poems written by WIFE and HUSBAND . WIFE: I wrote your name on sand it got washed. I wrote your name in air, it was blown away. Then I wrote your name on my heart & I got Heart Attack. HUSBAND: God saw me hungry, he created pizza. He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi. He saw me in the dark, he created light. He saw me without problems, he created YOU. WIFE: Twinkle twinkle little star You should know what you are And once you know what you are Mental hospital is not so far HUSBAND: The rain makes all things beautiful. The grass and flowers too. If rain makes all things beautiful Why doesn't it rain on you? WIFE: Roses are red; Violets are blue Monkeys like u should be kept in a zoo. Don't feel so angry you will find me there too Not in cage but outside, laughing at you    


     Environment All things we see, Without any fee. The things which surround us, Like a mound which is lush. The trees and creatures, Peace is its gestures. We are incomplete, Without this holy sleet. Oh! It is environment, Without it, life is torment. I and surroundings make a system, Known as ecosystem. Whatever, Man is today. It’s all because of nature’s lode. Man is forgetting the nature’s gift, And making his life in kilt. It is the time to make human remember, That without environment His life is impossible, Then, what is the need of making nature messy. Let’s take an oath, Life of mine and nature will sustain in the same cloth.

My Birthday

                                                           This is the Day This is the sort of day I should like to wrap In shiny silver paper And only open when It’s raining. This is the sort of day I should like to hide In a secret drawer to which Only I have the key. This is the sort of day I should like to hang At the back of the wardrobe To keep me warm when winter comes,   This is the day I should like to last forever. This is my birthday.

A poem for one of my ideal...........................

                                       ONE AND ONLY A man I seen, he is very keen. He has much fame, he don’t know my name. Many people do like, for his stylish face like bike. I am not among them, to meet him its one of my aim. I know he is rich, but pride he never fetch.   His nature boosts, but his attitude never crooks. A smile that is so genuine, which can give smile to devil. He is so friendly, and so shrewdly. His sad face, Make me involve in a miserable case. Having much hobby, Force me to have lobby in his place. He never discriminates, He always obey. Cause he is one & only, My ideal Brett Lee.

Examination Time

        Examination Time The pen falls,   The book calls. We feel irritate. With lots of angriness.   As the time of Examination come, Intelligent do practice some. Copycat got lots of tension. Teachers are full of eagerness.   Hindi comes, it’s boring one. English dome is grammar bun. Math is simplification, Science with lots of reactions. Intelligent suffers with competition, Fools puffer with relaxations. Teachers are busy, With lots of answer sheets. Results has come Intelligent are some, Fool children learn, Of not depending on others one.