
Showing posts from May, 2013

It is a milestone in life............

How To Have Peace On Mind                   1.    Be true to yourself first.     2.   Introspect on a daily basis how you have conducted yourself during the   day.     3.   Devote at least 10 minutes to yourself every day.       4.   Take responsibility. After introspecting be accountable for your own actions (good or bad).     5.   Own up. If you have done something which has made you feel stupid, be strong go ahead and say sorry, be it a person an animal or an inanimate object.(it helps)      6.    Cease from committing the error again. Next time when you are about to err, you will be reminded of how you felt before you asked for forgiveness and you will automatically refrain from doing it.      7.    Try to be generous whenever you can afford to give without asking for anything in return. It always does come back tenfold.      8.     Try not doing things on a daily basis which would make you feel bad - love yourself instead. This is the main mantra beca

Its true..................

HARDWORK IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS Life is full of twist and turns. Today's world is a competitive world. Everyone here wants to be famous and wants success in his life. Everyone has to struggle here in this world to overcome every obstacle in the way to success. For this hard work is necessary. Without working hard and just by sitting idle it will be hard for one to get success. Whether he may be a successful sportsman, actor or writer his present position is only due to hard work. Luck has nothing to do with it. Yes you may get success sometimes because of your luck but it is not true always. Saying that I am a lucky person success will automatically come, these are the only words of saying reality is different. Since from childhood and till now I always remember the sentence that my parents used to tell me "To be a better person in life and to get success you have to work hard, The result of hard work is always fruitful, so you have to work hard". There is a wel

Is this real science & technlogy era.........

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Human life has totally changed since arise of science and technology. We have reached upon top of our life by the help of science and technological things. Science and technology has totally revived our life and taught us the way to live our life. Science and technology has not only changed our life but also our physical appearance, character, style, etc. As science and technology has changed step wise, similarly human life has also changed steeply. It can be known by thinking that our primitive used to be chimpanzee / monkey so thought by our ancestors, and then we developed a little and changed into human being living in jungle and using leaves or plants clothes. At last we became fully matured and emerged as a social being preferring to live in society rather than jungles. That is one of the great changes that science and technology has provided to us. Science and technology has also changed our way of living. The work which we did our self p

Oh! It's the peels of everyone.............

           Loneliness Alone from others, Clown for brothers. If that one is sad, No matter in other’s glad. Someone say him mad, Dumb called by lad.     It is the feel of loneliness. Oh! It is the peels of everyman. If he is wise, Then he will know the price of rice. If he is fool, Then he will used as a tool. He is this or that, How can one know if he speaks not? Message to them to speak some, But not to let a lot of words to come (Don’t speak rubbish).

It is irritation...............

                                                                                                            Irritation   The worst thing which one can have, If one enters in it then he can feel that cave. This is the station, Where our life train shouldn’t stop.   Yes, not any other fusion, It is the irritation. It is just like session, Cured by the meditation. If one will lost in this bastion, Then he will become arson. Absolutely he will suicide. So it’s better not to ride with this pesticide.

Our Second Mother

                                                    OUR EARTH The third planet, And blue planet. It is our Earth, Earth is our mother.                                      We live on Earth,                                      And feed on Earth.                                     Only planet that has secret,                                     Its secret is life. It has oceans, It has continents, Its things are wonderful, It is hot and cool.                                                             It rotates and                                  Its brother motivates.                                  But, why it motivate? I’m thinking to write.                         



Mother's Day

  To My Dearest Mother   My mother is a special part Of all that’s cherished in my heart, She is my pearl, my soul, my mate; She is the one to make life great. She is an angel without the wings, Who makes life special with the littlest things, Whenever I’m in need of love, She is there from the heavens above; Whenever I’m in need of a shoulder, There’s no one as devoted as my mother.   Her presence and love have always been there, Everything in her nature is to only care. With every soft hug and kiss The world seems more beautiful and blessed. I’m sorry for all the times I caused you pain, But after these brief storms my love still remains. I love you so much, I will love you forever- I wrote your name on my heart And it will stay there forever, and ever…