
Showing posts from December, 2013

NEW YEAR.........

New Year's Reflections Looking back on the months gone by, As a new year starts and an old one ends, We contemplate what brought us joy, And we think of our loved ones and our friends. Recalling all the happy times, Remembering how they enriched our lives, We reflect upon who really counts, As the fresh and bright New Year arrives.

A magical sunset

                              Magical Sunset As the day ends to rest The sunset does its best Setting on fire the lively waves Coloring orange the nature he saves its pure ancient glorious perfection. The great ocean will receive The burning sun who's going to leave. Slowly comes the night Devourin g that magic light: we are still suspended in a great delight.

Lovely life

                              What life is! Life is ……………………… Sometimes hearing sometimes deaf Sometimes green fruit sometimes a fallen leaf Sometimes speaking sometimes dumb Sometimes sensitive sometimes numb Sometimes shallow sometimes deep Sometimes arid sometimes damp Sometimes honour sometimes damn Sometimes king sometimes clown Sometimes full sometimes hollow Sometimes dim sometimes glow Sometimes stagnant sometimes flow Sometimes quick sometimes slow Whatever life is ………… Stand straight, never, never bent or bow Remain glad, never, never sad or low.

Christmas Day

                                                Christmas The respective month has come, No longer is date. Days left are some, It has arrived at gate. The one and only, With very much rush. It is holy Christmas, So no one is lonely. At the Christmas day,   No more Santa will stay. Having chocolates ray, Like never-ending bay. Enjoy it as much as you can, The moment won't land. If you won't enjoy, Then start waiting for next Christmas toy.