My Real LovE

                                         The Meaning OF Science for ME

Since my childhood, the words which come to my mind after hearing the term ‘Science’ are ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘when’. In fact I think science as a concept constructed from human thoughts and actions. It is evident from the fact that science begins with curiosity and often ends with discovery. The best part of science which I like the most is it involves asking questions and then devising ways to answer them.    

                      I recall when I was in class-6th; I first came to know actually what science is and the scientific method which our scientists follow. The method was like following:
1.     Identifying the problem
2.     Collecting basic information
3.     Working out a hypothesis
4.     Experimentation and observation
5.     Conclusions and generalization
6.     Application

I find great practicality in these scientific methods. It is necessary to find oneself as today people have lost themselves somewhere in the virtual world of limelight. But the above general format of scientific method presents a model to people also. What I learn from this model is that one should check oneself timely, try to find out the odds in him by himself; and then work upon it.  

Science explains me that everything is moving. As the tiniest of the objects or the largest which we can imagine consist of the fundamental particle of nature – electron which is moving. And thus every objects and in fact the whole universe is in motion. I understand the most basic and important rule of nature from it – ‘change’.  What we were yesterday, we are not today and so won’t be tomorrow. Following the Second Law of Thermodynamics, we are moving constantly to increase our entropy. This always encourages me to look forward and develop a way to improve the surrounding.
When any person achieves something which is extraordinary, a feeling of pride invokes in him which is a part of human nature itself. At the same time, Science proves that there are still a lot of secrets in the womb of nature; which are left to unravel yet. And that is what my most favorite side of science.



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