A fiction story

Minister: (To the groom) since it is your intention to marry, join your right hands and declare your consent. Do you take (bride's name) to be your lawful wedded wife to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?
Groom: I Do.
Minister: (To the bride) Do you take (groom's name) to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?
Bride: I Do.
-Curtain falls
                         The movie was excellent with a happy-ending which I principally like, Pragya said with clarity in her voice.
Yes, you told the truth. The movie was really awesome, Pragya’s father replied.
Yeah, movie as well expense we got for the movie is awesome as well, Pragya’s mother retorted.
Oh no mom this is the very first time we went to movie theater chill! I tell you don’t worry, Pragya said.
Yes Pra you are right, Sachika supported.
Not Pra its Pragya di, Pragya counter back.
Yes don’t say Pragya Pra, call her gya, Divya told.
Di, don’t tease me, Pragya cried out.
And when you tease me, so you have to be teased, Dakshta responded.
OK, I will see you, Pragya reacted.
Ok let’s go, mother said with beam at her face.
Wait look that fifty rupee note lying over there, Pragya reported.
Leave it, father answered.
No, take it and then confer it to the priest for some sacred work, OK, mother countered.
OK mom, Pragya replied. Then, she along with her family went to the nearest temple. She entered the temple conferred it to the priest for sacred work.
Priest uttered, don’t play game with me, little girl. It’s fake. I think its illegally printed. Go, give it to the police.
Pragya was totally shocked. She vowed god and came out of the temple and informed what the priest said.
Father advised her to give the fake currency to police.
Pragya did the same.
The next morning she got a call. The caller said,I am police officer. You alone have to come to the police station for fulfilling some formalities.
Pragya left for the police station.
In the way, some kidnappers kidnapped her. She shouted very loudly but nobody was there to hear her voice and she faded.

 After a few hours, she opened her eyes and found her at a very terrible place. Gradually, she heard some voice,
Man 1: She is the lady who gave the fake note to the police which we had printed to have a mysterious terrorist attack on this country.
Man 2: But how she got that and how we know this is the girl who did the fault?
Man 1: I don’t know. But it’s that police who alerted the boss and gave information of this girl to him. And we caught her.
Man 2: Now, what the boss will do to her.
Man 1: Simple the boss would kill her.
Hearing this, she was very frightened and started finding a direction to leave out from that place. Suddenly her eyes fell on the windows. She opened it and mounted. When she was coming down, she saw that the kidnappers came and seen her from the windows. Then she started escalating quickly. But she saw the well down.
She got nervous as well at that moment. She tried to hold the window but due to her sweating her hand slipped and she fell into the well.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA………….., Pragya shouted on her bed. Thank God it was only a dream. She woke up and did all according to her routine.
Then she went out for her job. On the way she got a 10 rupee note. Again she conferred it to the priest for some sacred work. This time the priest told the same as he told in the dream of Pragya.
This time, Pragya went to the police station with her father and gave that fake note to the police officer.
The next day there was no call like that in the dream. Then she switched on the television. He found that terrorist printing fake note was caught due to her cleverness. She gave this happy news to her mother. At night her father came with sweets in his hand for Pragya’s work.

Everybody was very happy and enjoyed the night. Pragya went to bed and enjoyed her sweet dreams…………………….




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